01 Investing our funds

We are not tied to financial institutions. Flexibility is our strong point. We make investment decisions ourselves.

02 We are entrepreneurs

Investing our own funds is what an entrepreneur stands for. Therefore, we are financial investors as well as dedicated partners.

03 Growth acceleration is our specialty

We have invested in business growth over the years. This is being achieved through operations support and the development of capitalization strategies.

Who we are

Warsaw Partners is a company founded by entrepreneurs who have been supporting commercial enterprises for over two decades. Our private company invests its funds with sustainability-focus. We are highly competent in investment project support. The assistance provided is both strategic and operational.


Our primary goal is to uprise your company value thus we invest in those Projects having a long-term potential in the capital gains.

We, in turn, benefit from emerging opportunities as the enterprise develops. We focus on start-up companies and those that are developing rapidly. The operational restructuring of an established business is also a greater part of our core activities.

Strategically identifying growth paths, collaborating with other shareholders, and choosing projects thoroughly are fundamental principles ensuring our high performance. Following these principles leads to large scale operations and increased value for the companies we have invested in.

The way we work

We establish full support for your project since our investment is made up of our capital. We are always open to discuss the structure of transactions, investment horizons, areas in which support is to be provided.

Being partners who are actively involved in the development of companies we invest in, we allocate significant efforts for adding value to them.

Helping our partners to achieve results is our commitment. We assume the responsibility of developing an action plan, contemplating each step, supporting our clients at all stages. Setting the terms of cooperation and discussing all the issues regarding it are the first demanding tasks for us and our partner.

Our daily work is to help portfolio companies in the development, skills improvement, prevention of failures caused by lack of experience at the initial stages. Thus, all processes within the company are optimized due to external support. The likelihood of the rapid growth of the company increases as numerous obstacles are avoided.

Our activity is based on three pillars: competence, experience, and partnership. Cooperation with teams that share our views brings excellent results and inspiration to support partners in their further development.


Investment types

If the company has some potential for growth in revenue or income, then we are ready to make investments. Only under these conditions, it is possible to forecast an increase in the company’s value after a certain period. These are the companies that are just starting to develop and those that are in the process of restructuring. The market and technologies are also constantly evolving and changing, thus we choose a generalist approach to cooperation with partners. 20% is the minimum share that we take. But, as mentioned above, we cooperate only with the companies whose development we can contribute to. The size of the investment varies between 10 and 40 million PLN.

We cannot offer services to companies that are at the stage of pre-sale development.

What makes us different from others?

  • Our company invests its own funds. 
  • We provide support to partners and are entirely involved in the development of the partner’s company and investments. 
  • We agree upon the established investment horizon. 
  • Most importantly, the experience gained over twenty years guarantees quality services and professionalism.

What we expect

The key to stable development and increasing the value of the company implies a good strategy developed by an experienced, savvy team. To achieve maximum results, we need to be confident in our partners. In particular, we value the ability to collaborate as a team, determination and dedication towards achieving common goals.

The investment criteria for Warsaw Partners

Investment Size

Warsaw Partners focuses on investments ranging from a minimum of $1 million to a maximum of $50 million. This range allows the firm to provide substantial financial support to the companies it invests in.

Target Sectors

Warsaw Partners is interested in a variety of sectors including business services, consumer services and products, healthcare, and technology. These sectors offer potential for growth and innovation, aligning with the firm’s investment strategy.

Majority Recapitalizations

The company seeks majority recapitalization opportunities, where it can acquire a majority ownership stake in a company while allowing the existing management team to maintain a significant equity position.

Recurring Revenue

We prefer companies with a recurring revenue model. This indicates that the company has a stable and predictable revenue stream, which can enhance its long-term growth prospects.


  • Paweł Kopec CEO

  • Paulina Januszewska Legal Advisor

  • Oliwia Niestroj Investment Analyst

  • Jakub Borowiecki Investment Analyst

  • Alex Tan Partner

  • Benjamin Wilson Investment Analyst (USA)

  • Emily Davis Investment Analyst (UK)


  • Paweł Kopec CEO

  • Paulina Januszewska Legal Advisor

  • Oliwia Niestroj Investment Analyst

  • Jakub Borowiecki Investment Analyst

  • Alex Tan Partner

  • Benjamin Wilson Investment Analyst (USA)

  • Emily Davis Investment Analyst (UK)

Contact us

Contact data

Poland,  02-677 Warszawa, Cybernetyki 10.

Phone: +48 22 104 3675

London. EC1N 2LE, 40 Furnival St, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 20 4587 1847

Washington, 601 108th Ave NE, WA 98004, United States

Phone: +1 509-739-7789
